泰聯鮪罐公司積極拓展ASEAN市場泰國鮪罐業龍頭泰聯(TUF),看好2015年ASEAN經濟共同體成立後整合完成的區域市場具帶動鮪罐市場成長的商機,積極拓展國內及東南亞國協(ASEAN)市場。TUF旗下負責Sealect牌鮪罐批發及銷售業務的T-Holding子公司,投入650萬酒店經紀美元積極重新打造品牌形象、強打電視廣告等推廣活動的行銷計畫。2011年泰國水產品罐頭市場產值達20,300萬美元,其中鮪罐就包辦1,940-2,260萬美元。TUF在國內市場的鮪罐銷售額約達6,450萬美元,預估未來五年能成長至12,900萬美元。今年國內鮪罐市場銷襯衫售上看3,220萬美元,市占率約達五成。現在ASEAN(泰國除外)佔TUF年銷售額32億美元的5-10%,預計兩年內區域出口量可望以倍數成長。今年前五個月,泰國鮪罐出口ASEAN國家(主要銷往馬來西亞及新加坡)約1,500公噸,產值達700萬美元。(摘譯自INFOFISH 整合負債Trade News, No. 12/2012, 2 July 2012)Under this scenario, it is not surprising that Thai Union (TUF), the largest canned tuna producer, is now putting more effort to expand its sales in the domestic and ASEAN markets. T-Holding 票貼Co., a subsidiary of TUF and, distributor and marketer of Sealect canned tuna brand, is implementing more aggressive marketing plans including investing Baht 200 million fund (US$6.5 million) for rebranding and promotional 房屋買賣activities including TV ads. It is estimated that Thai canned seafood market was worth Baht 6.3 billion (203 million) in 2011 with canned tuna contributing around Baht 600-700 million (US$19.4-22.6 million). The company is sales of 澎湖民宿canned seafood in the domestic market was around Baht 2 billion (US$64.5 million) and it has targeted to increase sales to Baht 4 billion (US$129 million) within the next five years. Canned tuna sales in the domestic market is 小型辦公室expected to reach Baht 1 billion (US$32.2 million) this year and the company predicts to capture a 50% share. The canned tuna market is expected to grow rapidly after the ASEAN Economic Community takes effect in 2015, creating an G2000integrated regional market. At present, ASEAN excluding Thailand, accounts for 5-10% of TUF’’s annual sales of US$3.2 billion and it hopes to double exports to the region within two years. For the first five months of this year, 建築設計the country’s canned tuna exports to ASEAN countries reached almost 1500 MT valued at around US$7 million mainly to Malaysia and Singapore.

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